Summer 2021
After missing out on moments like these last year, we're so grateful to be making memories with our families and enjoying trips & outings together again.
Over the weeks we visited Adventure Island where we reached dizzying heights on rollercoasters & cooled off on water rides. At Old McDonald's Farm the children got to meet all their favourite farmyard animals, including goats & ferrets.
We also went to Beaulieu where we took the scenic route on the mile long monorail, visited the Motor Museum and got active among the greenery. The children have been learning all about nutrition & the importance of keeping active, so we held our own little sports day in the New Forest!
Summer 2020
Kew Gardens
This summer we were able to send some of our families to Kew Gardens. It's the perfect opportunity for our families to put their devices down for the day, and to enjoy & reconnect with nature. The children had plenty of fun running around in all the open space, taking in the fresh air, climbing trees and learning more about their favourite plants & flowers!
After the pressures of lockdown, it was a much needed break for all.
Enjoy these fantastic photos sent in by our parents!
After the pressures of lockdown, it was a much needed break for all.
Enjoy these fantastic photos sent in by our parents!
Bush Theatre creative writing
Throughout July & August this year, we collaborated with the Bush Theatre on a creative programme for our after-school club children.
Due to Covid safety regulations, we are currently unable to host the usual number of children in our main hall for after-school provision - despite limiting our numbers to accommodate families who were most in need (based on housing criteria). Thanks to the fantastic team at Bush Theatre, we were able to organise some sessions which allowed alternate groups of children to take part in creative writing and various other imaginative activities, led by the lovely Katie, including scrapbooking, dance & music.
Due to Covid safety regulations, we are currently unable to host the usual number of children in our main hall for after-school provision - despite limiting our numbers to accommodate families who were most in need (based on housing criteria). Thanks to the fantastic team at Bush Theatre, we were able to organise some sessions which allowed alternate groups of children to take part in creative writing and various other imaginative activities, led by the lovely Katie, including scrapbooking, dance & music.